Roadmap 2022-23

Roadmap 2022-23
Post pandemic the nuances of digital learning have changed. It is no longer an aid to those who can’t enrol for full time courses but instead it has become one of the most sought after and premium way of accessing knowledge in a time and cost effective manner. Online learning has not only been beneficial for students but as well as for professionals who are looking to up-skill. It lends autonomy and self paced learning to the curious mind.
At present our focus is on Enabler Academy which enables educational institutions and independent educators to set up their own digital footprint and impart knowledge. Enabler Blueprint will focus on professional and peer to peer learning via online events, webinars and webcasts. Enabler Spaces will be a market place for online education.
All our products are based on video streaming of content. Increasing mobile penetration and cheap internet connectivity is ensuring that quality education can be accessed from anywhere in the world. While right knowledge is an answer to many questions, It is our vision to become enablers of the same!
Enabler Acadmey
Enabler Acadmey is a SaaS based product with a sustainable model for digital learning. It is cloud based, scalable and effective. It enables businesses, institutions and individuals alike!
- Scalable tool for curriculum, skill based and vocational trainings
- Open and increased access to quality education, allowing upskilling and reskilling
- Learning, knowledge and training management system
- Virtual collaboration, resource sharing and two way feedback model
- Bridge the digital divide between education and learning
- Adaptive and blended learning to enable future of education and work